Microsoft Ignite 2018 Book of News

Aunque haya pasado un mes, no podía dejar de hablar de las novedades que Microsoft ha publicado en el Ignite, así que os dejo un enlace al Book of News donde se recopilan todas.

4 min de lectura
Microsoft Ignite 2018 Book of News

Hace aproximadamente un mes que fue el Microsoft Ingite, el evento insignia orientado a los profesionales de infraestructura Microsoft.

Conocer los anuncios de novedades que Microsoft hace en el evento es fundamental para estar al día de Azure y Office 365, así que algún año que otro os he contado los que consideraba más relevantes; cosa que normalmente implica un arduo trabajo de recopilación a través de anuncios en múltiples blogs de los grupos de producto.

¡Pero este año Microsoft nos lo ha puesto muy fácil! Ha recopilado todas las novedades a anunciar en un ebook de formato PDF llamado Book of News. Son 27 páginas de contenido sintetizado con todos los anuncios y enlaces para conocer detalles que podéis descargar desde aquí.

Sólo el índice ya es de lo más revelador, así que os dejo con él para abrir boca.

Happy reading!

Chapter 1: Security
1.1 Microsoft Threat Protection
1.2 Password-free sign-in for thousands of apps
1.3 Microsoft Secure Score
1.4 Azure confidential computing public preview
1.5 Modern Compliance enhancements
1.6 Expansion of work to bring the entire tech sector together through
the Cybersecurity Tech Accord

Chapter 2 Artificial intelligence and data
2.1 Artificial intelligence
2.1.1 AI for Humanitarian Action
2.1.2 Cortana Skills Kit for Enterprise
2.1.3 New Azure Machine Learning capabilities
2.1.4 Azure Cognitive Services update – Speech Service general availability
2.1.5 Microsoft Bot Framework v4 general availability
2.1.6 Unified search across Microsoft 365
2.1.7 New AI-powered meeting features in Microsoft 365
2.1.8 Ideas in Office
2.1.9 Intelligent enhancements in Excel
2.2 Data
2.2.1 SQL Server 2019 public preview
2.2.2 Azure SQL Database Hyperscale and Managed Instance
2.2.3 Azure Data Explorer public preview
2.2.4 Azure Cosmos DB Multi-master general availability
2.2.5 Azure Databricks Delta preview
2.2.6 Azure SQL Database intelligent features
2.2.7 New Azure SQL Data Warehouse pricing tier

Chapter 3 Internet of things and edge computing 12
3.1 Internet of things
3.1.1 Azure Digital Twins
3.1.2 Azure IoT Central general availability
3.1.3 Azure Maps: Map Control update
3.1.4 New Azure IoT Edge features and capabilities
3.1.5 Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service updates
3.1.6 Azure IoT Hub message routing update
3.1.7 Azure IoT platform support for Android and Android Things
3.1.8 Azure Sphere public preview
3.1.9 New Dynamics 365 connected field service offering
3.2 Edge computing
3.2.1 Azure Data Box Edge preview
3.2.2 Azure Data Box Gateway preview
3.2.3 Azure Data Box general availability
3.2.4 Azure Data Box Heavy preview
3.2.5 Azure Event Hubs on Azure Stack in development
3.2.6 Consistent blockchain deployment for Azure and Azure Stack preview
3.3.7 Expanded capacity for Azure Stack

Chapter 4 More Azure news
4.1 Azure infrastructure
4.1.1 Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server, version 1809 availability
4.1.2 Azure Ultra SSD Managed Disks public preview
4.1.3 Azure Standard SSD Managed Disks general availability
4.1.4 Azure Premium Files public preview
4.1.5 Larger Azure Managed Disks sizes
4.1.6 New GPU-enabled Azure Virtual Machines
4.1.7 Azure Serial Console general availability
4.1.8 Azure Virtual WAN general availability
4.1.9 Azure Front Door Service preview
4.1.10 Azure Firewall general availability
4.1.11 Azure ExpressRoute Direct public preview
4.1.12 Azure ExpressRoute Global Reach public preview
4.1.13 New Azure DDoS Protection Standard features
4.1.14 H-series Virtual Machines for High-Performance Computing public preview
4.1.15 Microsoft Learn and role-based Microsoft Certifications

Chapter 4 More Azure news continued
4.2 Governance and management
4.2.1 Azure Blueprints public preview
4.2.2 Azure Resource Graph public preview
4.2.3 Azure Policy for DevOps public preview
4.2.4 Azure Cost Management within Azure Portal public preview
4.2.5 Azure Monitor general availability
4.3 Developer
4.3.1 Azure SignalR Service general availability
4.3.2 Intune MAM Wrappers for line of business apps
4.3.3 Azure Functions 2.0 runtime availability and other updates
4.3.4 Azure Event Grid updates
4.3.5 Azure Container Registry: ACR tasks general availability
4.3.6 Azure Container Registry: ACR tasks multi-step capability, public preview
4.3.7 Azure Container Registry: Docker content trust model support, public preview
4.3.8 Azure Container Registry: Helm repositories, public preview
4.3.9 Azure Container Registry: Open Container Initiative (OCI) Support, public preview
4.3.10 New features for Azure LogicApps
4.3.11 Azure Service Fabric updates
4.3.12 Kubernetes on Azure Stack public preview
4.4 Quantum
4.4.1 Microsoft Quantum to add chemical simulation library for tackling real-world
4.5 Migration
4.5.1 Hyper-V assessments in Azure Migrate
4.5.2 Azure VM Image Builder private preview

Chapter 5 More Microsoft 365 news
5.1 Microsoft Teams expands to empower workers in all roles, and across industries
5.2 LinkedIn integration with Outlook and Office apps
5.3 Microsoft Stream mobile app
5.4 Microsoft Teams integrates new Yammer and SharePoint features
5.5 Bringing OneDrive innovation to Mac
5.6 Surface Hub 2 arrives in 2019
5.7 Windows Virtual Desktop
5.8 Integrated Microsoft 365 admin center
5.9 Windows Autopilot extends to existing devices